Cahokia High School  Alumni Association

Home of the Comanches

Home Page

The purpose of this web site was to serve as a centralized information resource for 
the alumni and faculty of Cahokia High School located in Cahokia, Illinois.  

This "new" website was put together in 2012.
There was very little activity - probably because all the information you need can be found on Facebook. 

We encourage you to seek out your old friends using Facebook.

If you are looking for more information about Cahokia HS alumni, friends or activities - why not try Facebook.

Here are some places within Facebook that should help you get you started:
There is the Back to the Fifties page,
As well as the Cahokia High School alumni page.
Once you get into the appropriate Facebook page - click on the number next to "About" to see the members of the groups.

And of course you can get to the Cahokia High School page without even logging into Facebook. 

This "new" website was put together in 2012. 

There was very little activity - probably because all the information you need can be found on Facebook. 

This site previously contained a listing of classmates, with e-mail and address information.
With all the identity theft going on, it is probably not a good idea to have
that information in a file for folks to steal.

The 'new' changes made to this website in June, 2014 reduce this to a one page website
 due to the elimination of the "Classmate information", "Contact us", and "Donation" pages. 

This site has been sponsored by  
Website administrator - Valerie Schmalzried.

Today is: 
Friday, March 28, 2025 10:53 AM

You are the  Comanche to enter this web site.
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